Monday, 16 April 2007

Introducing the Moovettes

Well, we're winding down now (current total raised, $8541), but the B Team are just getting started. They have reinvented themselves as the Moovettes and Bridget has even started looking at shoes for the long walk in 2008!

Belinda has apparently declined this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, probably because she is sane, but Bob and Bridgid from our wonderful sponsor Baretto have signed up. So have we, according to the blog (as support crew), although I don't remember signing anything...

By the way, we've still got another month or so until the totals are finalised - it would be great to get over the $10000 mark, so if anybody out there still hasn't donated (or perhaps you enjoyed the feeling so much you'd like to do it again), head on over here.

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