Thursday, 1 February 2007

Training Walk January 29th

Give me a home among the gum trees ...

Our latest training walk had us wandering around the Churchill National Park on the eastern fringe of Melbourne. It's a very picturesque ramble with great views down to the Bay and off to the hills. Apparently we should have been able to identify 20 different species of eucalypt and 12 types of native orchids on the walk. I'm afraid not. However, the locals were bemused by our efforts and came out to see us stride by (see Murat with local above). It was a relatively short walk (about 16kms in 3hours) but there's a couple of steep inclines that kept us honest (see Checkpoint 1 to Checkpoint 2).

We all pulled up OK and there's a real danger of us starting to get complacent. Our next training walk planed for February 12th (an auspicious day) and we plan to tackle probably the most demanding part of the Trail: the climb up to Olinda .

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