Thursday, 18 January 2007

Sponsorship Deal Announced - Baretto Espresso Bar

The MOO Walkers are very pleased to announce a new sponsorship deal with Baretto Espresso Bar. Our first commercial sponsorship!

Apart from serving the best coffee in Melbourne the Baretto staff are very generous and most agreeable. The Baretto Espresso Bar is located in the Alan Gilbert Building on the corner of Barry & Grattan Streets, Carlton (nice map here). We strongly encourage all friends, family and supporters of the MOO Walkers to pop in and say hello to Brigid, Sab, Dez and the staff at Baretto Espresso Bar. Try out the fabulous coffee and perhaps a yummy Italian treat. None for us of course as we're in training.

If you know of any other business that might be able to sponsor the MOO Walkers in 2007 please let us know in the comments.

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